A Mathematical Medley
On Thursday the lectures are held in 303-G16, on Friday in 303-G15,
address of 303 building is 38 Princes Street, 1010 Auckland.
The schedule is as follows
Thursday 19 November
1000-1100 Gaven Martin (Massey): Parabolic representations of the free group of rank 2
Zoom for Gaven: https://auckland.zoom.us/j/99535287497
1100-1130 Morning tea
1130-1230 Caroline Yoon (Auckland): Feedback and Critique in Mathematical Creation
Zoom for Caroline: https://auckland.zoom.us/j/94356465414
1330-1430 Gabriel Verret (Auckland): Local actions in vertex-transitive graphs
Zoom for Gabriel: https://auckland.zoom.us/j/95549095820
1430-1530 Claire Postlethwaite (Auckland): Rock-Paper-Scissors-(Lizard-Spock): travelling waves, spirals and heteroclinic networks in models of cyclic dominance
Zoom for Claire: https://auckland.zoom.us/j/98378715991
1530-1600 Afternoon tea
1600-1700 Mike Steel (Canterbury): Darwin's regret:what maths tells us about the evolution of life
Zoom for Mike: https://auckland.zoom.us/j/92896998832
1700-1830 Reception
Friday 20 November
1030-1130 Pedram Hekmati (Auckland): Deformation of Verlinde algebras
Zoom for Pedram: https://auckland.zoom.us/j/91788683223
1130-1200 Morning tea
1200-1300 Dillon Mayhew (VUW): Matroids, groups, and monadic logic
Zoom for Dillon: https://auckland.zoom.us/j/98932630337
1400-1500 Alice Devillers (UWA): Combinatorial designs
Zoom for Alice: https://auckland.zoom.us/j/99052710556
1500-1530 Afternoon tea